Our Spell-a-Thon fundraiser is here again. Please ask your family and friends to donate to Spell-a-Thon as all proceeds from here will go to classroom activities like fieldtrips. Students will study words this week and take the test on Friday.
Picture Day is here! It is September 12th. Make sure you have your picture information turned in by this day.
Here are the vocabulary words (this week students must concentrate on antonyms and synonyms of the words!!):
1. bewildered- greatly puzzled; confused
2. courageous- brave; fearless
3. drenched- wet thoroughly; soaked
4. loomed- to appear unclearly
5. suspected- to doubt; mistrust
6. remote- far distant in space; out of
7. shock- to strike with surprise
8. marveled- filled with surprise,
9. burrow- dig a hole like a small
skillful- having or showing skill
distress- a ship or an airplane needing
immediate assistance
stubble- short, rough growth; stumps of grain
left when crop is cut
shanty- poorly built house
callused- having patches of rough, dry skin
momentum- force or speed of movement
lurched- moved unsteadily from side to side
blared- made a loud noise
frigid- very cold in temperature
trailhead- the point where a trail starts
craned- stretched neck in order to see better
Here is the homework for the week:
Monday: Do a fluency read for one minute aloud with an adult, read from a book of your choice for 15 minutes then write a 5 (or more if you choose) sentence summary about what you read, study the Spell-a-Thon words, and complete the math page for Chapter 5 Lesson 1.
Tuesday: Do a fluency read for one minute aloud with an adult, read from a book of your choice for 15 minutes then write a 5 (or more if you choose) sentence summary about what you read, study Spell-a-Thon words, and complete the math page for Chapter 5 Lesson 2.
Wednesday: Do a fluency read for one minute aloud with an adult, read from a book of your choice for 15 minutes then write a 5 (or more if you choose) sentence summary about what you read, study Spell-a-Thon words, and complete the math page for Chapter 5 Lesson 3.
Thursday: Do a fluency read for one minute aloud with an adult, read from a book of your choice for 15 minutes then write a 5 (or more if you choose) sentence summary about what you read, complete the math page for Chapter 5 Lesson 4 and study for the vocabulary, spelling, and math tests tomorrow!
*Papers that should be turned in on Friday are: all reading log pages, the fluency paper, and the homework from Thursday night.
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