Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Heat Wave Vocabulary

1. Affected: caused a change in

2. Transfer: moves from one place to another

3. Weather Vane: movable pointer that shows wind

4. Exchanges: gives one thing and gets another

5. Temperature: measure of hear or coldness

6. Chamber: a room

7. Horizon: line along which the Earth and Sky meet

8. Scarce: hard to find

9. Singe: to burn slightly

10. Reinforce: make stronger

11. Miscalculated: figured incorrectly

12. Obstacles: things in the way

13. Clump: a group of things close together

14. Storage: a place to keep supplies

15. Crinkled: wrinkled

16. Social: relating to the way people live together

17. Snagged: caught something sticking out

18. Excess: extra

19. Harvest: gathering in of crops

20. Transport: carry from one place to another

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