Sing to the Stars Vocabulary
1. studio: artist workroom
2. amplifiers: devices that make sounds stronger or louder
3. yanked: pulled hard
4. blaring: making a loud, harsh noise
5. glorious: wonderful
6. classical: relating to a musical style from 18th centrury Europe
7. schedule: timeline or time table
8. debut: a first performance in public
9. feast: large meal
10. jazz: a style of music with a strong pattern of beats
11. concerned: worried
12. murmur: a low, constant sound
13. model: small copy
14. rhythm: movement or beats that repeat in a regular pattern
15. ruined: destroyed
16.strides: walks with long steps
17. streak: to move quickly
18. sprightly: lively
19.smeared: messy or blurred
20. stammers: speaks with pauses and repeats words
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