Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hi parents!

This is going to be a fast week, it is the last week before fall break and remember Friday October 12th is a minimum day. We will get out of school at 12:10 so please plan accordingly. 
Please make sure your student is completing and turning in their homework. There are a large number of missing assignments and we are trying to go for 100% homework return. There are also a lot of papers without names so if your student is missing assignments they are welcome to go through the no name papers during recess. 

I moved their Chapter 8 test to Tuesday because variables are a tough concept and wanted to make sure the class had a firm grasp on the concepts. 

Math Homework this week will be:
Monday: Ch. 8 Lesson 4 page 73-74
Tuesday: Mixed review page
Wednesday: Ch 9 Lesson 1
Thursday: Ch 9 Lesson 2

Language Arts Story is called A Very Important Day  
Allegiance: loyalty to one's country or a person
Chamber: a meeting room used by lawmakers
Citizens: official members of a country
Citizenship: the status of a citizen with accompanying rights, duties, and privileges
Enrich: to improve the quality of
Examiner: an official who inspects or asks questions
Oath: a pledge or promise to act a certain way
Petitioners: people who ask for something in writing

Let's have a great week before break! 
Miss Smiley

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